AMETS has a policy of continuous improvement, incorporating the most technologically advanced machinery into its production process. This means that our facilities are always at the forefront of technology in the sector, as evidenced by our two latest incorporations to the machinery park in order to offer our customers a better response in time and quality.
The first machine is an Ibarmia ZVH45 machining center with “Heidenhain TNC-i530” control, simultaneous machining on 5 axis and multi-faced machining for parts with difficult geometry which will give the best results in improved speed and performance.
With the second incorporation, we expanded our production park by adding an additional vertical lathe with numerical control. It is a vertical lathe of the Danobat group, model TV-800, with which we have doubled our work rate in the machining of big and heavy parts.
Technology advances very quickly and Amets is ready to be updated!
In the following link you can see a short video of the installation process: https://www.linkedin.com/company/amets-s.l./